Monday, 1 March 2010

Inquiry into disability-related harassment

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has provided an update to the Inquiry into disability-related harassment.

On 3 December 2009, International Day of Disabled People, the Commission announced its intention to conduct a formal Inquiry into the actions of public authorities to eliminate disability-related harassment and its causes. Trevor Phillips, Chair of the Commission, stated: 'There can be no more important human right than to live life in safety and with security. Its absence prevents us from living our lives to the full. And, for some, its absence has led to the loss of life itself. For many disabled people in Britain safety and security is a right frequently denied.'

They have drafted terms of reference for the Inquiry and are now consulting on these. The Commission wants to hear views by joining the consultation. Their consultation runs until 26 March 2010. Please see The Equality and Human Rights Commission website to find out more about how to get involved.

Once the consultation has finished they will decide what changes, if any, should be made to the terms of reference. Once those changes have been made they will launch the Inquiry and start gathering evidence. Until they have decided on the final terms of reference of the Inquiry we cannot take evidence.

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